Saturday, February 2, 2008

Freescale Semiconductor


1. the 2's complement number of 110010 is
ans; none of those

2.Truth table of a logic function
ans: displays all its input output possibilities

3.The process of varying one signal according to the pattern provided by another signal is

4.The octal equivalant of hexa number 123 is

Determine how many times the given loop is executed

5.m=3 while (m<18) m="m+2;m="m-1}" m="1;a="30;while">1) do {m=m+1;a=a-1;}

7.m=1;a=30;while (e*m-5<=4) do {a=a+b;x=x+1} ans:(5,1) 9.a=1; b=2;x=1 while (x<=5) do {b=a+b;x=x+1;} ans:(1,6) 10.a=0; b=0; x=1; while (x<=4) {a=a+x; b=b-x; x=x+1;} ans:(10,-10) 11.The complexity of bublle sort is0(a),then k equals ans:2 12.In BCD,the decimal number 516 is ans:10101110 13. RS 232 is standards for ans:physical layer 14. which of the following is not true of a DBMS ans:maintain integrity 15.the method of access used for obtaining a record from a tape is ans:sequential 16.Whichof the following is an universal gate ans:nor ASCII text file containing 500 characters will have size approximately ans:500bytes 18.which of the following is a vector ans;force 19.The lowest attainable temperature ans 0k 20.viscosity is most similar to ans:friciton 21.The elapsed time between the submission of the job and getting the output is ans:seek time 22.the earliest calculating device still in use is ans: abacus 23.Qunatities used to bring fields to standards sixe are ans:pixels 24.the base of a number system is called as ans:radix 25.An 8kb computer will bave addresses ----- ans:8191 26.Arranging data in a specific form is called ans: sorting 27.A translator which reads an entire programme written in a high level language and converts it into machine language code is ans: interpreter 28.a data hierarchy in assending order is ans:bit-byte -field-record-file-database 29.a computer generated output that lets programmer follow the execution of the program line by line is items grouped togother for storage form a 31. the most dangerous aspect of computer virusesis their ability to ans: change system memory 32.a distributed data processing configuration in which all activities must pass through an centrally located computer is called a ans: ring network 33.communication circuite that transmit data inboth directions but not at the same time are operating in 34.which of the following is not an application software ans:unix 35.For which of the folowing computer application is real time processing not essential 36.a data structure with one to many relationship is a ans:tree 37. which of the following hardware components is most important to operation of a database management system ans:high speed,large capacity disk 38. computer viruses can spread from one system to another by means of ans:all the above 39. afront end processor is ususally used in ans: multi processing 40.a radioactive material of mass 16 grms in 10 years due to radiation. how many years will it take for the material to attain a mass f1 gm ans:30 41.a block of ice floats on water in a beaker, as the ice melts,the water level in the beaker will ans:remain same 42.if va,vn,vs are velocities of sound in air,water, and steel then, ans:vs>vn>va usual computer arthemetic, the value of the integer expression
ans:10 acronym for the organisation that publishes programming langauge standards is

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